Meet Gwendoline
Gwendoline has more than twenty years of experience advising employers and employees on a wide range of issues arising from their workplace relationships. From pre-hiring to post-dismissal, Gwendoline represents clients in employment and labour law, human rights, administrative law, constitutional law, and in general litigation matters.
Gwendoline appreciates that most often the best results for clients are achieved through negotiation. Only when a matter cannot be satisfactorily resolved Gwendoline has the experience to advocate strongly on behalf of her clients in Court.
Gwendoline is a highly experienced litigator. In a one-week period alone in December 2017 Gwendoline appeared before all levels of court: The Supreme Court of Canada, Provincial Court of British Columbia, Supreme Court of British Columbia, and the British Columbia Court of Appeal.

She is equally adept at representing either side. read more ...
Keep Current
Vacations in the Time of COVID
It may seem odd to think about vacations during a pandemic, especially when so many employees are not working, and non-essential travel is discouraged, at the very least, and in the case of international travel, not currently possible.
Communicating with Candour and Compassion
I have spent the last few weeks working with employers whose businesses have been disrupted by the COVID-19 virus. Invariably, these employers have been shocked by the sudden and acute...
The COVID-19 virus has upended both the businesses of employers and the ives of employees. One area of uncertainty is what happens when an employee becomes exposed to the virus, but is not symptomatic, or is ordered to stay home, for example...
If facing a sudden drop in revenue or business caused by COVID-19, an employer has several options for managing its workforce. Below, I set out four options and the financial assistance available from the Government of Canada...
Case Studies
Employers, employees, and not-for-profit organizations have benefitted from Gwendoline’s representation. These case studies illustrate a cross-section of her practice.
2438 Marine Dr., Suite 210
West Vancouver, BC, Canada, V7V 1L2